Rainwater harvesting simulator: watEr saVings In DifferENt ClimatE

Funded by EEA Grants - European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
(13 145,15 €)
Partners: IST-ID and SINTEF


GREEN roofs and walls hydraulic performance: Evaluation of the contribution towards Resilient cities

Funded by EEA Grants - European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
(14 977,15 €)
Partners: IST-ID and NTNU


GRAVITY - Green Roofs and wAlls biodiVersITY

Evaluating the contribution of Green Roofs/Walls for cities biodiversity
with the support of citizen science
Funded by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project 10.54499/2022.02093.PTDC
(DOI https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.02093.PTDC)
(49 967 €)
Partners: IST-ID and FCiencias.ID


GENESIS - Green roofs and walls ENvironmental Economic and SocIal Savings:

Modelling uncertainty and investors / users preferences in all-inclusive
cost-benefit analysis of green roofs and walls
funded by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project PTDC/GESURB/29444/2017.
(239 813 €)
Partners: IST-ID, ISA and UAveiro


SOLLAGUA - Solucoes baseadas na natureza e Living Labs para reutilizacao da agua em meio rural

(Total funding: 1 389 232€, IST: 107 523€)
Universite Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
Communaute de communes Couserans-Pyrenees Direction du Service des Eaux
Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia Direccion de Gestion del Agua y Calidad Ambiental Centro de Experimentacion en Nuevas Tecnologias del Agua (CENTA)
Fundacio Solidaritat UB
Fundacion Corporacion Tecnologica de Andalucia
Consorcio para la Gestion de Servicios Medioambientales de la Diputacion de Badajoz Servicio de Comunicacion y Planificacion Estrategica
Fundacion para la Sostenibilidad Energetica y Ambiental
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Aguas do Tejo Atlantico, S.A.