The Green Infrastructures Group (GI Group) was founded in 2017 and is hosted by the Research Center of Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS), Construction Sector, of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST-UL).

The GI Group is a multidisciplinary team, with experience in estimating green roofs and green walls multiple costs and benefits and performing the accurate life cycle cost-benefit analysis. The main research areas of the GI Group are the economic analysis of these green infrastructures, comparison of alternative solutions, maintenance planning, benefits quantification (namely water treatment, thermal performance and rainwater harvesting) and applicability in different infrastructures (e.g., public buildings, private buildings, transport infrastructures).


The objectives of GI Group are:

  • to enhance cost-benefit analysis of green roofs and green walls and costs/benefits modelling;
  • to collaborate with practitioners, companies and investors/owners from private and public sectors (national and international) to guarantee the validation and usefulness of the research contributions in different regions and type of infrastructures;
  • to disseminate the results and, therefore, contribute for a wide spreading and acceptance of green roofs and green walls worldwide.